Monday, November 18, 2013

In case you missed it....

We were in the Winchester Star not very long ago!  I personally love when local media comes into the shop to gain more information on flower shop business and I think that this article was a great insight into the local economics.   Now, for those of you who "skimmed" the article and think we are closing- WE ARE NOT CLOSING!  I have fielded a few phone calls regarding this and wanted to get that straight. 
The reporter asked many in depth questions and took a genuine interest in writing a meaningful article and not just hitting some highlights. 
I could not stress enough in the article, and now in this forum, exactly how IMPORTANT it is for you, the consumer, to shop local.  I realize you won't be able to buy everything you need local but what you do buy local helps you in return!  To quote the 3/50 Project:
 " ..For every $100 spent in locally owned,  independent stores, $68 returns to the community through payroll, taxes, and other expenditures.  If you spend that at a national chain, only $43 stays here.  If you spend it online (on a national retailer website).. nothing comes home. "
Payroll supports families.  Taxes support the local community and education system.  The list goes on.  Small business Saturday is Nov 30th.  Any amount spent local is better than nothing.  Support your friends, neighbors, and community this year!

For more information visit :

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