First up is my good friend Jim Dempsey AIFD, CFD 's program: HAND | Craft- Design to Distinguish yourself. It explored how we (floral designers) must work to distinguish our work, our art from all the other floral companies that offer flowers to the public. I would LOVE to be able to create some of the wonderful things Jim designed for the show, like these hats. This one is linen with rosettes and this collection of branches decorated with reflective discs. Now remember- this is for the stage, to be seen up close and far away and it's the CONCEPT. It's to showcase the handwork and craftsmanship in the design, not always a literal prêt à porter (ready to wear) design.
You can see the length of the hat a little better here.
This is a hand-woven dress by Jim, with metallic accents and also with a boa of floral material to compliment the dress.
This dress is made with preserved/permanent botanicals of hydrangeas attached. The picture really doesn't do the color justice as it was so much more vibrant in person.
This is a Derby Hat to me. Or a Royal Ascot Hat, or some other equally affluent social function that requires a decorative hat. I loved this hat. Hmmm...maybe Jim and I can do a Christmas exchange this year :) Just kidding. But when you saw the detailing of each of these pieces up close it was very impressive! I, who does not own a sewing machine and sweats it out sewing buttons back on my kids coats, was very impressed to say the least. Every one of these took a lot of time and patience and I applaud Jim for sharing his handiwork with everyone in Las Vegas!
This is a nosegay that accompanied another hat (not shown here) Which is made with a new product that I will hopefully be able to carry here in the shop in the future. I don't have all the details of the product with me at the moment but I will be sure to blog about that later. There was much more to Jim's show, I am just showcasing a few things here to give you a taste of what's to come in the future blog posts concerning Symposium.
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